Monday, 29 April 2013

Photoshop: the good, the bad and the ugly

Photoshop gone wrong... Jennifer Lawrence before photoshop (LEFT), and after (RIGHT)

Photos have always been a way of telling a story. From the cave drawings in prehistoric times to the GIFs we have now, photography is just another element to news stories and story telling in general. Often a photographer will photoshop their work to get rid of any minor inconsistencies in the photo. However, sometimes they go too far. Particularly in media publications like fashion magazines.

This is a GIF.
Far too often you see a magazine cover with an unrecognizable celebrity gracing the cover. They've had their lips plumped, their skin retouched and their noses scaled down so much that even they're biggest fans would have a hard time recognizing their favourite celebrity. Although men do fall victim to this issue, it is mainly women who suffer the consequences. They're told that in order to fit in they have to: be skinny but fit, have a nice golden tan, long flowing hair, big breasts and luscious curves all at the same time. So, pretty much look like a barbie doll. Although scientists have already proven that Barbie would not be able to survive due to her inconsistent and out of whack bod proportions, it doesn't stop girls from trying to look like her.

Thirteen per cent of girls in Australia are reported to have an eating disorder each year, along with seven percent of boys. From a young age children are bombarded with images of what "perfect" looks like. By the time they're in their teens, they've already been convinced that they're not good enough. That's when the dieting begins.

 Although photo-shopping in magazines has been known to get out of hand, that doesn't eliminate the use of photography in journalism. When used correctly, a photo can add a touch of sorrow or joy to an otherwise lacking story. Techniques such as the framing, focus and exposure in the photo, when used correctly, can make or break the story. As Eddie Adams once said, "If it makes you laugh, it it makes you cry, if it rips out your heart, that's a good picture."

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