Wednesday, 27 February 2013

University Life: Scary and Exciting

These past few weeks for me have been what some of you may call, “tumultuous”. I have moved away from home and everyone I know, and stepped into the brave and daring new world of university life.  

At first, I was terrified. Being surrounded by total strangers in a place I've never been and having all this new information thrown at me all at once, was enough in itself to make me want to run back to the safety of the reasonably small town I spent my life growing up in. But, I persevered through all the tears, trauma and the overwhelming home sickness, and here I am, finally starting the course I've been thinking about for a whole year; multimedia journalism.  

I've had my doubts and worries over the past twelve-or-so months. “What if I’m not good enough?”, “What if I hate it?”, “Is this really the right thing for me?” As for that last question, right now I’m not too sure. But, I’ll see what this semester throws my way, and whether I’m up for the tasks at hand.

As for the classes themselves, I would have to say that they are an interesting, if not overwhelming experience for me. (That’s not to say that I think the classes are bad in anyway, just different and new.) Being a year out of high school, I’m still used to having someone there to make sure that I’m doing the work. Whilst at university I have to rely on myself; to get the work done and to make sure that I’m doing it to a satisfactory level. 

At times, this can be a bit of a struggle. My mind is one of those that tends to wander, and staying on the same topic for long amounts of time can sometimes be a bit difficult, but I’m managing. However, the most detailed class to date would have to be JN1001: The Journalist and Society. 

Learning how to become a journalist is certainly going to push me out of my comfort zone. Usually I’m quite a shy and reserved person, but becoming a journalist will require me to push myself outside of this warm, safe shell I've created. Hopefully I can gain the persistence and confidence I need to get myself where I want to be in life, wherever that may be.

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